
Wear, Wash, Fold, Repeat: How to Streamline Your Laundry Routine

When it comes to simplifying the way you do laundry, you have to first consider the way you think of laundry.  For most of us, laundry is a dreaded chore, but why is it so overwhelming?


What if I told you that there was a way to love your laundry routine?  Would you believe me?  Become a former skeptic with these 5 painless steps that will revamp your routine!


  1. Make your Space Unique:  Maybe you are completely dreading laundry day because you are doing laundry in a depressing dungeon of despair.  If your laundry room could use some sprucing up, slap on a vibrant coat of paint or add in some colorful organizational bins.


  1. Make your Space Functional:  If you’re drowning in bottles of detergent, sticks of stain pre-treaters, and items that simply don’t belong in your laundry room, this step is crucial.  Put products in order according to how often they are used.  If they are never used, ditch them.


  1. Decrease the Personal Burden:  Everyone in the household contributes to dirty laundry, so laundry duty shouldn’t have to be your own personal war zone.  Labeling baskets can teach even toddlers to sort their own laundry with ease.  If your kids are over 5, you can start adding laundry to their personal chore list according to their personal maturity level.


  1. Increase the Frequency:  If you hate doing laundry, it may just mean that you are going too long between laundry days.  For singles and couples, once a week is normally enough, but a family of 6 is obviously going to need to do laundry more frequently.


  1. Maximize Productivity:  If you still feel the sting of laundry day, use the time wisely. Put on some fast-paced music, listen to an audio book, or catch up with an old friend on speakerphone.  Folding requires 2 hands, but isn’t particularly brain stimulating, so feel free to multi-task when possible!


Washing clothes doesn’t have to be a dreaded part of your regular housekeeping checklist.  Make the most of the task!


What’s your favorite way to get the laundry done without losing your sanity?   Leave us a comment!